High Quality Clock Repair in Flagler County, Florida
If your clock is not working properly, simply oiling it is never the solution to the problem. That is like putting an icepack on a broken leg, it may feel good for a short time but it doesn't solve the real problem. So, beware of the "oilers "who "service" your clock by simply oiling it
Our service procedure
To properly service a clock involves all of the following major processes:
- Movements of Grandfather and Grandmother clocks are always picked up at the customer's home or business.
- After removing the movement from the case, exceptionally dirty and oily movements are cleaned with a degreaser to dissolve and remove the worst gunk.
- Extremely dirty movements are submerged overnight in a special cleaning solution to dissolve moderately baked in and hardened oil and dirt deposits.
- The movement is then completely disassembled into its minute parts.
- The parts are then processed in a sonic cleaner, pre-rinsed in soap and water, rinsed in water then dunk rinsed in Isopropyl alcohol and dried in a special dryer.
- A visual inspection is done to identify worn or broken parts that need to be replaced or repaired. Antique movements are often worn so badly that parts will have to be custom made.
- On spring powered movements, the cleaned main springs are inspected for wear and replaced if required. They are subsequently oiled with a synthetic spring oil.
- All pivots are straightened. They are then polished to remove rust and groves.
- All wheels are straightened to eliminate wobble.
- All teeth are deburred and checked for alignment and straightness.
- Lantern pinions are inspected for missing or worn pins that are subsequently replaced.
- The plates are inspected for damage and straightness. Bent plates are straightened and flattened.
- The movement is then reassembled, one train at a time and checked very carefully for correct "pivot play".
- Worn and oval pivot holes are identified during the bushing analysis process. Damaged pivots holes are re-centered and proper sized brass bushings are installed.
- Following the bushing process, the movement is again reassembled with the time train wheels. The train is tested to make sure it is turning freely and that the wheels mesh correctly.
- This process is repeated for each additional train [chime and strike trains].
- For chiming/striking clocks, the hammer assembly rod is polished and oiled with synthetic oil.
- When all trains run perfectly, the reassembly is completed by adding the [external] chime and strike mechanisms, the hammer assembly and miscellaneous levers.
- The movement is lubricated with a high grade synthetic clock oil.
- The chime and strike mechanisms are set up.
- The movement is bench tested for at least 2 weeks to ensure that it is running perfectly. This period is usually sufficient to identify and correct possible problems.
- The clock case is inspected, cleaned and minor touch-up repairs are done. [Applies to grandfather clocks too].
- The movement is then reinstalled in its case and tested for about one more week.
- Grandfather clock movements are always picked up, delivered to and re-installed in the customer's home or business.
Members of NAWCC National and Daytona Beach 154 Chapter.

Next Steps...
Call us now to make an appointment as we are often out of the shop servicing customer's grandfather clocks.